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The Interdisciplinary Laboratory for Human Rights and Health (LIDHS), created in 2016, is part of the Institute of Studies in Collective Health (IESC), of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ). Its purpose is to develop research, expand and deepen critical reflection on the different uses and theoretical and methodological contributions of Human Rights in Public Health, as well as to foster social and institutional mobilization, seeking to provide social practices that have human rights as a reference. LIDHS develops teaching, research and extension activities articulated and organized in three lines: Right to Health and Justice, Health Education and Care, Global Health and Human Rights. Professors and researchers, technicians, UFRJ graduate and undergraduate students from different areas, and external members of other institutions and civil society organizations participate in the LIDHS.

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In Brazil, the right to health and justice is guaranteed by the Federal Constitution as human rights. The way to exercise them is to get to know these rights better, the functioning of the health and justice systems, how and who to turn to when rights are violated. This publication arose from the research “Judicialization, access to health and justice: a study on therapeutic itineraries and health disputes in the city of Rio de Janeiro”, started in 2017, with funding from CNPq. It was developed at the Health Dispute Resolution Chamber (CLRS) in the city of Rio de Janeiro-RJ and analyzed the paths taken by citizens who resort to this service. The research sought to answer the question of how ensuring access to justice can favor the right to health. Here we present the main results of our work in simple and accessible language to the general population, with the concern of providing important information about the right to health, SUS and CRLS, and pointing out other references that can assist the reader in seeking to guarantee their rights, improving and strengthening public health and justice policies.

Good reading!

Diante da magnitude e rapidez da pandemia provocada pelo novo agente COVID-19, os profissionais de saúde mal puderam se apropriar das poucas informações sobre a doença e já precisaram assumir a linha de frente do cuidado às pessoas afetadas. Além disso, lidam com a escassez de equipamentos para esse cuidado e de biossegurança, com a necessidade/obrigatoriedade de ampliarem os turnos de trabalho, e o convívio cotidiano de adoecimento e morte, incluindo colegas de trabalho. Ao lado das manifestações públicas de reconhecimento pelo seu trabalho, os profissionais de saúde - diante das vulnerabilidades pessoais e do sistema para desenvolverem suas atividades experienciam temores, angústias, revoltas, mas também têm ideias e propostas. Esta publicação é fruto do Projeto de Extensão “Uma imagem, uma mensagem... expressões de profissionais de saúde no contexto da COVID-19” desenvolvido entre 2020 e 2021. Buscamos aqui compartilhar com os trabalhadores da saúde e com a comunidade acadêmica as narrativas produzidas durante este agir extensionista. Entendemos que olhar para o vivido pode nos ajudar a compreender tanto os desafios experienciados pelos trabalhadores quanto as reconstruções possíveis de si e das práticas de saúde, bem como pode nos gerar aprendizados sobre o cotidiano extensionista em períodos de distanciamento físico, quando o ambiente virtual se torna um imperativo sanitário.

Boas leituras!



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