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2020 – Current -“An image, a message... expressions of health professionals in the context of COVID-19”

Type: Extension project

Coordination: Neide Emy Kurokawa e Silva

Description: Given the magnitude and speed of the pandemic caused by the new agent COVID-19, health professionals were barely able to appropriate the little information about the disease and had to take the front line of care for the affected people. In addition, they deal with the scarcity of equipment for this care and biosafety, with the need / obligation to extend work shifts, and the daily coexistence of illness and death, including co-workers. In addition to public expressions of recognition for their work, health professionals - faced with personal vulnerabilities and the system to develop their activities, experience fears, anguish, revolts, but they also have ideas and proposals. Considering this panorama and having as reference the contributions of Narrative Medicine, the objective is to promote the expression and elaboration of the feelings resulting from the social, personal and professional contexts generated by the COVID-19 pandemic. Using the social network Instagram, it is intended to host images with messages from health professionals in an account, which will be mediated by the project coordinators.

Memória das Narrativas

Narrativa audiogravada “Dia de Nascer” de Nilcéia Figueiredo

dia de nascer.jpg

Equipe do projeto

Redes sociais do projeto

  • Facebook
  • Instagram


Livro “Uma imagem, uma mensagem: narrativas de um projeto de extensão no contexto da COVID-19” (2021):


Narrativa “Da janela da minha casa” de lançamento do projeto (2020):

Devolutiva dos extensionistas aos colaboradores (2021):

Lançamento do livro do projeto no Festival do Conhecimento da UFRJ (2021):

Divulgação do projeto apresentado no Festival do Conhecimento da UFRJ (2020):

Comunicação “De Darwin aos ‘heróis da linha de frente’ na pandemia de COVID-19: narrativas de pessoas, narrativas sobre a humanidade” apresentado no Darwin Day da UFRJ (2021):

Roda de conversa “Imagens e narrativas da pandemia: uma conversa com trabalhadores de saúde” desenvolvida no Festival do Conhecimento da UFRJ (2020): 

Painel temático “O papel da extensão universitária e do sanitarista no contexto da pandemia do coronavírus” com participação da extensionista Karina Corrêa no Festival do Conhecimento da UFRJ (2020):

Mesa-Redonda no V Comunidança com participação do extensionista César Paro:

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