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Miriam Ventura
Lawyer, Postdoc in Global Health and Sustainability at the School of Public Health, University of São Paulo (2020), PhD in Public Health from the National School of Public Health - Fiocruz (2012). Associate professor at the Institute of Studies in Collective Health (IESC) of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), in the area of Social and Human Sciences in Health. Faculty member of the Graduate Program in Collective Health of IESC and School of Medicine of UFRJ, in the research line “Social construction of access to health: interfaces between subjects, rights and policies”. Member of the CEPIA Board of Directors - Citizenship, Study, Research, Information and Action. She worked as a lawyer from 1984-2007, and in the coordination of legal advisors for non-governmental organizations: Pela Vidda (1989), ABIA (1989), Advocaci (2001), defending the human rights of people with HIV / AIDS and sexual and reproductive rights. From 2007-2012 she developed research at ENSP / Fiocruz on topics of bioethics, research ethics and judicialization of health. She develops teaching, research and extension activities in the area of Social and Human Sciences in Health and Law, mainly in the following themes: research ethics, human rights and right to health, health law, judicialization of health, access to health and to justice, sexual and reproductive rights, global health and incorporation of new technologies in health systems. She has written several books and scientific articles.
Richard Parker
Anthropologist, PhD in Anthropology from the University of California (1988) and post-doctorate from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (1990). Senior Visiting Professor at the Institute of Studies in Collective Health (IESC) at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), Full Professor Emeritus - Columbia University of Socio-Medical Sciences and Anthropology, in New York, USA. President Director of the Brazilian Interdisciplinary AIDS Association. Chief editor of the scientific journal Global Public Health: An International Journal for Research, Policy and Practice, published by London's Routledge Publishing House. He develops teaching, research and extension activities mainly in the following themes: global health and human rights, social and cultural construction of gender and sexuality, social dimensions of HIV and AIDS and the relationship between social inequality, health and disease. He has written several books and scientific articles.
Neide Emy Kurokawa e Silva
Psychologist. Postdoctoral student at the University of São Paulo Medical School (2020-2021). PhD in Health Sciences from the School of Medicine, University of São Paulo (2009). Associate professor at the Institute of Studies in Collective Health (IESC), Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) and one of the founders of LIDHS. Member of the faculty of the Graduate Program in Collective Health at IESC and School of Medicine of UFRJ in the research line “Social construction of access to health: interfaces between subjects, rights and policies”. IESC’s representative in the Commission of Social and Human Sciences in Health, of the Brazilian Association of Public Health (ABRASCO). She worked in the Specialized Outpatient Service for STD / AIDS in São Paulo-SP, coordinating prevention and health promotion actions with the population, training health professionals. She develops teaching, research and extension activities in the area of Social Sciences and Humanities in Health, mainly in the following themes: communication in the prevention and promotion of health; health care; social technologies and innovation in health education; science, technology and community engagement in research; therapeutic itineraries, access to health and human rights.
Luciana Simas
Lawyer. PhD in Bioethics, Applied Ethics and Public Health (PPGBIOS / UFRJ), in 2019, with an exchange program at the University of Florida - Levin College of Law (2016). Master in Law and Sociology (UFF); specialist in Public Law, graduated from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. Consultant of UNODC / ONU, in the Present Justice Program of the National Council of Justice. Integrates LIDHS / IESC / UFRJ as an external consultant / researcher. Visiting Researcher at the National School of Public Health (Ensp / FIOCRUZ), with experience as legal consultant in projects with empirical research and teaching, in the areas of Right to Health, Legal Sociology, Legal Practice, Criminology and Human Rights.
César Augusto Paro
Speech therapist. PhD student in Collective Health in the Graduate Program in Collective Health at the Institute of Studies in Collective Health at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. Master in Health Sciences from the Social Medicine Institute of Rio de Janeiro State University (IMS / UERJ) in 2017, Specialist in Health Care Network Management (ENSP / FIOCRUZ), in 2017. Multi-professional Residency in Collective Health (IESC / UFRJ, 2013-2015). He has been working as a consultant on human rights and popular health education in Rio de Janeiro and other Brazilian cities with non-governmental organizations, such as CEPIA, Grito dos Excluídos and Grupo Pela-Vidda. Member of the Thematic Group on Popular Education and Health of the Brazilian Association of Collective Health (GT EPS-ABRASCO) and the Study Group on Theater of the Oppressed (GESTO). He develops teaching, research and extension activities on the following themes: health education; permanent health education; health education; health promotion and disease prevention; health care; integrality in health; artistic health practices; and theater for non-actors.
Renato Maciel Dantas
Nurse and administrator, specialist in Health Management and Environmental Health Surveillance. Master's student at the Institute of Collective Health Studies (IESC / UFRJ). He has worked in public health since 2008, when he started activities at the Health Situation Analysis Center (NASS) of the Occupational Health Coordination (CST / Fiocruz). He worked as a research assistant at the Tobacco and Health Studies Center (Cetab / ENSP / Fiocruz) and consultant in the National Malaria Control Program of the Ministry of Health, in the Amazon region. He joined the Permanent Health Forum in the Rio de Janeiro Penitentiary System (FPSSP), acting as volunteer nurse in Rio de Janeiro Prison Pastoral. He develops studies on human rights, right to health, therapeutic itineraries, judicialization of health and access to health and justice.
Bachelor of Laws. Master's student at PPGSC / IESC-UFRJ, she develops a study on the right to access to medicines and judicialization of health. 
Nurse. Master's student at PPGSC / IESC-UFRJ, she develops empirical research on access to comprehensive health care in the SUS network based on the experiences of users who seek care at the Health Dispute Resolution Chamber in the city of Rio de Janeiro.
Bachelor of Science in Public Health from the Institute of Studies in Public Health of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (IESC / UFRJ). Master's student at PPGSC / IESC-UFRJ, Social and Human Sciences in Health (IESC / UFRJ). She has professional experience as a Libras Interpreter at a school in the Municipal Education Network (RJ). Areas of interest: Social and Human Sciences in Health, Human Rights in Health, Health Education, Primary Care, Health at School, Health of the Deaf.

©2020 by Laboratory for Human Rights and Health

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