2016 – Current - “Approaches to Human Rights in Health”
Type: Refresher course
Workload: 30 h.
Coordination: Miriam Ventura
Target Audience: Graduate students and graduates in any area of knowledge, professionals with a medium or higher level who work in the Health, Education, Security, Social and Justice System sectors, in non-governmental organizations, community groups, union organizations.
Partner institution: Public Defender's Office of the State of Rio de Janeiro (DPE-RJ).
Description: CONCEPTIONS, THEORIES AND HUMAN RIGHTS GUARANTEE SYSTEM. HUMAN RIGHTS, VULNERABILITY AND HEALTH. HUMAN RIGHTS AND RIGHT TO HEALTH. Human rights (HD) have been legitimized as a universal ethical parameter of action and an important theoretical and methodological framework for understanding human, social and political issues. HR are a privileged connector in the circulation of different knowledge (ethical, bioethical, legal and health) that can contribute to academic research and the development of health systems and practices, in line with the SUS. Knowing and reflecting on these references and their articulations is fundamental in academic training and in health work, and in the most diverse social areas, education, public security, and organs of the justice system, in an intersectoral and comprehensive perspective of health. Equally important is the use of this framework for social action by different actors (NGO / OSCIP, Unions, Community groups). In this sense, the course aims to offer subsidies for reflection and understanding of the construction and formulation process, of the structure, of the contents and of the human rights (HR) guarantee system applied to health, and for the performance of managers, professionals and citizens in general. To this end, we seek to integrate different knowledge (ethical / bioethical, legal and sanitary) and emphasize contexts of vulnerability to health problems and human rights violations, as well as legal guarantees and the use of DH instruments in the implementation and state accountability the right to health (advocacy).
2020 – Current -“An image, a message... expressions of health professionals in the context of COVID-19”
Type: Extension project
Coordination: Neide Emy Kurokawa e Silva
Description: Given the magnitude and speed of the pandemic caused by the new agent COVID-19, health professionals were barely able to appropriate the little information about the disease and had to take the front line of care for the affected people. In addition, they deal with the scarcity of equipment for this care and biosafety, with the need / obligation to extend work shifts, and the daily coexistence of illness and death, including co-workers. In addition to public expressions of recognition for their work, health professionals - faced with personal vulnerabilities and the system to develop their activities, experience fears, anguish, revolts, but they also have ideas and proposals. Considering this panorama and having as reference the contributions of Narrative Medicine, the objective is to promote the expression and elaboration of the feelings resulting from the social, personal and professional contexts generated by the COVID-19 pandemic. Using the social network Instagram, it is intended to host images with messages from health professionals in an account, which will be mediated by the project coordinators.
2016 – 2019 - “Innovation in health promotion and disease prevention practices using the vulnerability framework within the local territory in the Zika context”
Type: Extension project
Coordination: Neide Emy Kurokawa e Silva
Description: Basing on the criticism of sanitarian-campaigner model to health education and aiming to develop abilities and promote innovative disease prevention and health promotion proposals to the ZIKV problem by community protagonism, as well as to create conditions that enlarge mobilization strategies in identifying problems, researchers and students from the Institute for Studies in Public Health (IESC) at Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) in partnership with the Municipal Health Secretariat of Rio de Janeiro developed an extension project related to training for health professionals from primary health care unit. The training included workshops (20 hours with 4 hours weekly meeting), implementation of projects, and sistematization of experiences.